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Physics Quiz

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1 - What is the strongest fundamental force?

Option A - Strong nucleur force

Option B - Weak force

Option C - Gravity

Option D - Electromagnetic force

2 - What is the most densed part of a black hole?

Option A - Event horizon

Option B - Surface of the black hole

Option C - The black hole is evenly densed

Option D - The Singularity

3 - Which paradox deals with black holes?

Option A - Fermi Paradox

Option B - Information Paradox

Option C - Black hole Paradox

Option D - Dark energy Paradox

4 - What is Perpetual motion?

Option A - Never ending motion driven by unlimited energy

Option B - Motion which will stop immediately

Option C - Another name for Circular motion

Option D - Another name for Linear motion

5 - What does Wave particle duality show?

Option A - Waves have two states like bits

Option B - A wave can also be energy at the same time

Option C - A wave can also be a particle at the same time

Option D - It proves that Quantum Physics is not accurate in the classical world

6 - What is Quantum Gravity?

Option A - A tiny force of gravity

Option B - Gravity between two fundamental particles

Option C - Gravity in the Quantum Scale where Quantum mechanics are ignored

Option D - None of the above

7 - What is Superposition in Quantum Physics?

Option A - When two fundamental particles fuse together to form a resultant particle

Option B - There is only one definite possibility or state of anything in the universe

Option C - When Quantum waves superpose to form a resultant wave

Option D - The act of uncertainity can cause objects to have more than one possibility or state

8 - What is Heinsberg's Uncertainty principle?

Option A - The Exact Momentum and position of a particle can not be known.

Option B - The Exact Momentum and position of a particle can be known

Option C - A principle which opposes the wave particle duality

Option D - Particles are waves but, not at the same time. It can change form

9 - What's Newton's Law of Gravity?

Option A - The Gravitational force is directly proportional to the sum of the masses and inversely proportional to the seperation squared

Option B - The Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the seperation squared

Option C - The Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of the densities and inversely proportional to the seperation squared

Option D - None of the above

10 - Which of these particles is not a baryon?

Option A - Proton

Option B - Electron

Option C - Neutron

Option D - None of the above

11 - Which particle has a lepton number of +1 ?

Option A - Positron

Option B - Electron Antineutrino

Option C - Any Neutrino

Option D - Proton

12 - Which law is always conserved?

Option A - Law of conservation of Momentum

Option B - Law of Conservation of Entropy

Option C - All Laws are conserved

Option D - None of the above

13 - What does the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics state?

Option A - Entropy in a closed system is always increasing

Option B - Total Energy in a system is always conserved

Option C - The Temperature of a system is always constant

Option D - At 0K, a substance has 0 Entropy

14 - What is the Weakest fundamental force?

Option A - Strong nucleur force

Option B - Tension

Option C - Gravity

Option D - Weak Force

15 - What is the Equation related to Special Relativity?

Option A - E = mc2

Option B - E = hf

Option C - T = 2π√l/g

Option D - E = Gm/T

16 - What is a use of Xrays?

Option A - Sun bathing

Option B - Radio signals

Option C - Radar

Option D - Security use

17 - Can Gamma Radiation be stopped fully?

Option A - In Theory, No!

Option B - In Practice, No!

Option C - Yes, By a block of Lead

Option D - Yes, By a block of Aluminium

18 - What is faster than light?

Option A - Light itself can go faster than light.

Option B - Quantum Entanglement

Option C - Gamma radiaion

Option D - Nothing is faster than light

19 - What is dark energy?

Option A - Another name for dark matter

Option B - A Theory made to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe

Option C - Energy which is dark

Option D - Energy which we can't see

20 - What is Quantum Computing?

Option A - The idea that Qubits can exist in two possibiltites as one

Option B - A very tiny Computer

Option C - Super fast Computing

Option D - The idea that there is only one possibiltiy for a Qubit to exist

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A. Strong nucleur force is extremely strong and it is the force which holds a positive nucleus together. It's 6 thousand trillion trillion trillion times stronger than the force of gravity, according to the HyperPhysics website. See more

D. The Singularity is the most densed part of the black hole as it is considered to have 0 volume. So the density is pretty much infinity.

B. The information paradox - It's is unsure if the law of conservation of information works in black holes. See more

A. Energy is always conserved. Perpetual motion is not possible because, energy is no matter lost to other forms of energy. Perceptual motion is a theoretical concept of motion that does not end See more

C. Like the name states, the wave can also be a particle at the same time. See more

C. It is when Gravity is extremely strong and Quantum mechanics can be ignored. Example - inside a black hole. See more

D. In Quantum Physics, uncertain situations can exist in two or more states as one. The act of measuring causes the situation to superpose or collapse into one event. See more

A. A law which governs Quantum Physics. Another way of saying that a wave is a particle at the same time. See more

B. A Law that let us predict the Gravitational forces between two masses.

B. Protons and Neutrons are Hadrons which is a superset of Baryons. Electron is in a different class called Leptons. See more

C. Neutrinos and electrons have a lepton number of +1. The Antiparticles have a lepton number of -1. See more

A. Momentum is always conserved. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics state that Entropy in a system is always increasing. See more

D. The 3rd Law of Thermodynamics State that at 0K, a subtance has 0 Entropy. See more

C. Gravity is the weakest fundametal force but, it has the longest range.See more

A. A famous and cool equation which states that energy and mass is related

D. Xrays are used to scan luggages and for security purposes See more

B. Simply, Gamma radiation can not be pratically stopped. The Intensity can be reduced to a very very small amount.

B. Information between two entangled objects can travel faster than light but, there is no way of controlling what information is passed. See more

B. Technically, we don't know but, it's used to describe or explain why the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate

A. A Computer which uses the concept of superposition to transfer and store information - Still not a real thing! See more

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