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Chemistry Quiz

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1 - What is another name for neutrons?

Option A - Protons

Option B - Nucleus

Option C - Nucleons

Option D - Leptons

2 - What is the definition of Atomic Number?

Option A - The total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

Option B - The total number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom

Option C - The total number of electrons in the nucleus of an atom

Option D - The total number of nucleons in the nucleus of an atom

3 - Which Rays are deflected towards the positive plates?

Option A - Alpha Rays

Option B - Beta Rays

Option C - Gamma Rays

Option D - Neutrinos

4 - What does Hund's Law State?

Option A - When Electrons are added to the energy level. An electron is added to each Orbital First to reduce the repulsion forces

Option B - When Electrons are added to the energy level. Two electrons are added to each Orbital First to reduce the repulsion forces

Option C - When Electrons are added to the energy level. Electrons are added randomly

Option D - None of the above

5 What do mean by the term Isoelectric?

Option A - Another Word for Isotope

Option B - Atoms with the same number of neutrons but, different number of protons

Option C - Another word for Static Electricity

Option D - Molecules or Ions with the Same electronic configuration

6 - What is the Strongest Type of Bonding?

Option A - Covalent Bonding

Option B - Ionic Bonding

Option C - Metallic Bonding

Option D - Hydrogen Bonds

7 - What is Dative or Coordinate Bonding?

Option A - The Electrostatic force attraction between the shared pair of electrons and the two positive nuclei

Option B - The Electrostatic force attraction between two species in which one species donated the pair of electrons which is being shared

Option C - The Electrostatic force attraction between oppositely charged ions

Option D - The Electrostatic force attraction between the sea of delocalised electrons and the regular lattice cations

8 - What is this H3O+ ion called?

Option A - Hydroxide Ion

Option B - Hydrate Ion

Option C - Hydroxonium Ion

Option D - Hypoxonium Ion

9 - How are π bonds formed?

Option A - The Axial Overlapping of 2 S orbitals

Option B - The Axial Overlapping of 2 P orbitals

Option C - The Axial Overlapping of a P and S orbital

Option D - The Lateral Overlapping of 2 P orbitals

10 - What is the shape of SF6 molecule?

Option A - Triaganol Pyramidal

Option B - Tetrahedral

Option C - Octahedral

Option D - Square planar

11 - What is Electronegativity?

Option A - The ability of an atom to attract a pair of valence electron of a bond to itself

Option B - The ability of an atom to loose electrons

Option C - The ability of an atom to attract an electron of a bond to itself

Option D - None of the above

12 - Define the Standard Enthalpy of Formation:

Option A - The Enthalpy change when one mole of compound are formed from its elements under standard conditions

Option B - The Enthalpy change when an Alkali and Acid react to form one mole of water under standard conditions

Option C - The Enthalpy change when one mole of Gaseous atoms are formed from its elements

Option D - None of the above

13 - What are partial pressures?

Option A - The pressure exerted by the total gas mixture

Option B - The pressure exerted by a single mole of gas

Option C - The pressure exerted by a single type of gas in a gas mixture

Option D - There is no thing called partial pressure

14 - What is the systematic name for HClO3?

Option A - Chloric(V) acid

Option B - Chloric(IV) acid

Option C - Chloric(III) acid

Option D - Chloric(I) acid

15 - Which Period 3 Chloride gives a neutral solution when dissolved in water?

Option A - Silicon Chloride

Option B - Sulfur Chloride

Option C - Magnesium Chloride

Option D - Sodium Chloride

16 - What is a use of Nitric acid?

Option A - As a Fuel

Option B - As Bleach

Option C - To make TNT Explosives

Option D - Hand wash soap

17 - How does Nitrogen oxide contribute to Acid rain?

Option A - It acts as a regenerating catalyst

Option B - It dissolves with water to form acid rain only

Option C - It reduces SO3 to SO2

Option D - None of the above

18 - How to convert a nitrile to carboxylic acids?

Option A - You hydrolyse it using HCl and oxidise it to form carboxylic acids

Option B - You add a few drops of KMnO4 and heat it under reflux

Option C - You add NaBH4

Option D - You add LiAlH4 and dry Ether

19 - How to convert a ketone to a primary alcohol?

Option A - You add LiAlH4 and dry Ether

Option B - Not possible

Option C - Boil the ketone until it evaperates to an alcohol

Option D - None of the above

20 - Which factor does not affect the Equilibrium position of an Equilibrium?

Option A - Temperature

Option B - Concentration

Option C - Presence of a Catalyst

Option D - None of the above

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C. Particles in the nucleus are called nucleons. So an alternative name for protons and neutrons is nucleons

A. The atomic number tells us the total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. See more

B. Beta Rays are negatively charged so they are attracted towards the positive plates. See more

A. The idea is that one electron is fiiled in each orbital first. See more

D. Molecules and Ions with the same electronic configuration are called Isoelectric - Ammonia and the Hydroxonium ion are Isoelectric

A. Covalent bonding is the strongest type of bonding and it is the bonding present in diamonds

B. Dative is a subset of covalent bonding where one species contributes both electrons. See more

C. This is the name given to it

D. π bonds are formed when 2 P orbits overlap laterally See more

C. It has 6 Bond pairs and no Lone pairs. According to VSEPR, it has a Octahedral structure

A. This is the correct and exact answer which markshemes accept so please remember this. See more

A. This is the correct and exact answer which markshemes accept so please remember this.

C. The sum of the partial pressures give us the total pressure See more

A. HClO is called Chloric acid. In HClO3 , the oxidation state of chlorine is 5. So we get Chloric(V) acid.

D. NaCl is the only chloride from period 3 which gives a neutral solution when dissolved. Others are all acidic

C. Nitric acid is used to make explosives, fertilisers and also dyes

C. Nitrogen oxide gets oxidised in air to form NO2. This then can oxidise SO2 to SO3 which is the main cause of acid rain See more

A. See more

B. Not possible because Ketones can be reduced to secondary alcohols using LiAlH4 and dry ether but, not to primary alcohols . See more

B. The presence of a catalyst has no effect on the equilibrium position but, it does increase the rate of both the forward and backward reaction equally!

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